Sunday, November 8, 2015

Guess I don't think like a chicken

When we built the coop, we made sure we had plenty of good nest boxes and yet, for some reason, there are apparently shortcomings in the eyes of some of the girls.  I try to keep by barn closed once the barn swallows have moved out but I do have to get in there once in awhile and, when I do, the mob moves in right on my heals.

 And when they do, at least one of the girls heads straight to a shelf: The shelf where I keep my chainsaw.

As you can see, they've knocked over several bottles and such to make the corner more cozy.  When they sit facing out, mostly they just sit awhile then move on.  However if they get up,

 Turn themselves around,

 And sit with their backside out,

 You need to come back later.

 I'm not sure why the chainsaw shelf is better than a laying box, but I guess I don't think like a chicken!

Col. 1:9-12,



  1. I am glad you dont think like a chicken, couldn't do with you scratching around the neighborhood for worms and bugs :-)

    1. LOL - Yes! That would be bad form indeed! I think the neighbors would talk...

  2. Wouldn't ya think they would prefer a nice, soft nest of clean shavings or straw on which to drop their egg?? (They don't call chickens bird-brains fer nuthin'.)

    1. You would think. Once in while an egg rolls out under the chainsaw blade and off the shelf. We've been careful not to put anything that won't tolerate a hosing down underneath.

  3. Funny! Glad we don't think like chickens!

  4. That's for sure. Still, it's hard to figure why that is such a hot spot for the girls.

  5. That is a funny place for egg laying! I always find an egg here or there in my garden shed.

    1. I'm not sure why, but whenever I open that door to let them out they just come running to that spot. It is funny!

  6. Great post, Mark! This is soooo like chickens. :)

    1. I learn a little more every week that there is still plenty more to learn about how a chicken thinks and why they do what they do.
